Healing acne post birth control pills This post is a contribution from Jessica Ash, Functional Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Hormone Specialist. She specializes in healing PCOS and rebalancing hormones post birth control. Thank you, Jessica, for these amazing tips for any woman struggling with bringing her body and skin back to balance after quitting birth control. So, you just got off the hormonal birth control pill and your skin is acting up? You’re not alone. Many women often complain of struggling with angry acne post-birth control. Even though it’s common, it doesn’t have to be your normal. There are real imbalances at the root of your post pill skin issues, so let’s get to the bottom of it by starting with a little lesson in hormones. What is a hormone? A hormone is simply a chemical messenger that tells your cells and tissues to start doing something or stop doing something. Your ovarian hormones are estrogen and progesterone. They are human hormones that perform many jobs in the body, essential for healthy metabolism, hair, skin, mood, thyroid and metabolism. Contrary to your natural human hormones, the steroid “hormones” found in the birth control pill— like ethinylestradiol, drospirenone and levonorgestrel, are chemical messengers, but act nothing like our human hormones. The pseudo-progesterones found in the pill, drugs like drospirenone, norgestimate and cyproterone, are considered progestins. They have some of the same effects as your natural progesterone, but also have many of the opposite effects. They low androgen indexes, meaning that they tend to act more like testosterone in the body.


While you are on the pill, progestin strongly suppresses sebum (skin oil) production (why it works so well for clearing acne). In response, your body has to up-regulate sebum, which can continue even after you ditch the pill. As you withdraw from the sebum-suppressing pill, you might find your skin oilier than ever before as it’s trying to return to balance. In addition, as you come off the pill, your ovaries should start to kick back into action. This can result in them temporarily making more androgens. Between the rebound sebum and rebound androgens, post-pill acne can be intense.


The hormones in the pill are meant to suppress ovulation (so you do not get pregnant), but in doing so, they suppress your ability to make your own progesterone- an amazing hormone that is potently anti-aging, anti-androgenic and anti-inflammatory in nature. The perfect recipe for healthy skin. Good news is: once you’re not relying on the pseudo-hormones in the pill, your body should go back to making its own progesterone and estrogen again. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to support your skin through this process and make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible


1. Ditch the Dairy & Gluten

The bacteria in your gut plays a big role in the detoxifying old hormones from the body. Gluten and dairy can mess with the beneficial bacteria that assist in the detoxification of these compounds. In addition, many people have a hard time digesting them. By reducing the consumption of these inflammatory foods, you take stress off of the body and allow it to do its job more effectively. Other potentially inflammatory foods include corn, soy, eggs, peanuts, sugar and nightshade vegetables.

2. Lower Androgens Using Zinc, Reishi, Spearmint & Green Tea

To block androgens naturally, experiment with drinking spearmint or green tea regularly, as these have been shown to effectively reduce androgens in the body. Zinc, found in red meat, oysters and pumpkin seeds, is an important nutrient to lower androgens. Make sure to get 30 mg per day. Lastly, reishi mushroom can effectively reduce androgenic activity in the body and help restore balance.

3. Restore Nutrients Lost

Unfortunately, the hormonal birth control pill can deplete us of essential skin antioxidants like Vitamins A & C. It can deplete B vitamins, specifically folate, which is essential for skin health. Minerals like zinc, iodine and selenium are also depleted. Consider supplementing with a high-quality multi and making sure you’re getting a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods from seasonal veggies and fruits, high-quality proteins and nuts and seeds.

4. Detoxify Your Liver Using Super Greens

Because the liver is responsible for detoxifying hormones from the body, it can take a hit while on the pill. Luckily, it can recover, but we need to provide it with the proper tools. Super greens, such as chlorella and spirulina, can be highly beneficial for gently support detoxification. In addition, dandelion root tea, beets, burdock root, broccoli sprouts, fermented veggies, garlic and cruciferous vegetables all support the liver.

5. Love on Your Gut with Probiotic-Rich Foods

The pill can change the bacteria balance in your gut, making it easy for not so friendly fungus and bacteria to take up residence. Getting a wide variety of beneficial bacteria from fermented foods like kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut will help your colon work more effectively, promoting hormone balance. Need more digestive support? Consider a high-quality probiotic.

6. Don’t forget the PREbiotics!

Because the beneficial bacteria in our guts play such a huge role in detoxifying from old hormones to promote hormone balance, it’s important to feed them. What do they eat you might ask? Fiber! They love the fibers found in vegetables. Leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, colorful starchy veggies and sprouted grains are all amazing ways to feed beneficial bacteria.

7. Eat Organic As Much As Possible

Because pesticides can place a heavy burden on the liver, it’s important to eat organic whenever possible. By avoiding extra chemicals as much as possible, your body can focus on what’s important: restoring balance to your hormones.

8. Drink Bone Broth

Bone broth can be an amazing way to soothe the gut, support detoxification and get easy-to-absorb minerals, amino acids and nutrients that may have been depleted by the pill. It’s a rich source of l-glutamine, an amino acid used by the body to restore, repair and rebuild. Related: Gut Healing Bone Broth Recipe For Clear Skin


Post-pill acne usually starts to improve after the 6-month mark, especially if you’re using the tips above. If you are still struggling, it might be time to find a functional practitioner who will test your hormones and gut and see what might be at the root of your skin issues. Eliminating inflammatory foods, healing the gut lining and restoring bacterial balance can make a world of difference in your skin AND hormones. As balance is restored to the body, the skin is usually the last thing to respond. It will take time and consistency. I know it can be frustrating, but have hope and don’t give up!

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